All this publication's reviews Read full review. I had more fun doing this than playing the actual game, to be totally honest. The translation is a bit of a mess, too. She's an evil witch. The game's visuals are simple and pleasing enough, but they're hardly what one would expect for a next-gen RPG. ephemeral fantasia ps2

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Zenne - Gallhint's girlfriend and a tough fighter and bandit. Most areas seem to have six or so varieties of enemies.

ephemeral fantasia ps2

Defensive is the opposite, and is good for anyone who's weak or uses magic like Ano. Each character also has three settings that can be adjusted to fit their strengths and style of battle. Graphics Graphically speaking, Ephemeral Fantasia is nothing to write home about. I went into Ephemeral Fantasia expecting the worst. Arrive late at a destination ephemerxl your opportunity is lost at least for another five days, when time will have looped and brought you back to this same point.

There's a wide variety of items in the game, the most fantadia of which is a fog sphere. A keen fist fighter and martial artist.

Ephemeral Fantasia – Guides and FAQs

fantasai So, standing around waiting for a cutscene event to happen can go one of two ways-either you'll get taken to the event, or you'll have to reload your last save and schlep on over there yourself. She has two forms; the first uses a broom to attack, the second uses dancing and a tambourine.

Making matters even worse are two things: Mouse never is given any dialogue.

Plosi - A painter widely known to be an old pervert, he has no lust for battle and rather weak skills to match, although his magic abilities are quite decent. After going through a myriad of negative and, in fanntasia opinion, unfair reviews, I'm about ready to support those who have had the patience After going through a myriad of negative and, in my opinion, unfair reviews, I'm about ready to support those who have had the patience and will to actually play through the first loop.

Old Hag - Her true name is unknown, sp2 she prefers to be called "the Old Hag. It's little things like this that quickly add up and make Ephemeral Fantasia a frustrating experience.

The two have been longtime partners, according to him, and Mouse also uses him as a sheathe for fantaska sword as well as a fully functional lute. August 10, NA: Each attack costs a certain amount of attack points, and using one with more AP will require a longer waiting period before you can attack again.

Ephemeral Fantasia FAQs, Walkthroughs, and Guides for PlayStation 2 - GameFAQs

Because of this, I went in with lowered expectations-and actually enjoyed the early stages of the game. The scale of the town maps and the repetitive graphics make navigating around the map a laborious chore.

While far from embarrassing, EF is embarrassingly average. If nothing else, it proves that while Japanese gamers may get more RPGs than us Americans, that's not always a good thing. Providing you do actually make it where you need to be, and on time which is no simple feat in the early goingyou still might not be able to recruit the person or trigger an event.

While killing time, you can do one of several things. Log in to finish rating Ephemeral Fantasia. Fantassia, if you're out in the field, or you've left early because you wanted to be sure to find a place well before the event happens because, remember, navigating the island can be a real pain, even with the map pieces you'll just have to wait it ephemwral or risk returning to town and finding where you need to be again.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 36 Ratings.

Ephemeral Fantasia

Despite a unique story concept, it sounds better on paper than in practice. Graphically speaking, Ephemeral Fantasia is nothing to write home about. In the first week, you'll be magically whisked to events that you need to see.

ephemeral fantasia ps2

Retrieved December 8, This game strives to be different from the norm, and they've done it. I don't think these are bad things, but they are worth mentioning. The camera has several settings: It seems fanasia everyone who's reviewed badly hasn't a clue about what they're doing, and have decided to blame their own lack of patience on the game's non-linear nature.


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